When Jin Ming looks at Xiang Jing, his eyes are merciless and indifferent. No matter how many monsters and invaders he slaughters, the expression on his face doesn't change at all. At this time, he seems so out of place with everything around him. Huangfu Haoran said, "let's go back first. Qi's consciousness in practicing the secret method should be to eliminate these invaders. After he has killed all the monsters here, he will certainly go back. We will think of a way then." The rest of them knew that what Huangfu Haoran said was right, agreed with him and flew back along Xiang Jing's blood route. At the last moment of entering the passage, the second Hall master Nan lingshuang looks back at Xiang Jing deeply, as if to carve his appearance into his heart. Xiang Jing has become a butcher who knows nothing but slaughter. The monsters and invaders in front of him are his targets, and the warships in the sky will be shot down by him. After returning to the ancient world, Huangfu Haoran and others immediately found a place to recover their injuries. They still underestimated the invaders. If they didn't have the warship's restraint, they were still fearless. But the warship's suppression on them was too serious, and it was too strong to break through and shoot them down, so that they couldn't carry out as planned. "Quick, five suggestions. Ask them how they are." After recovering from the injury, Huangfu Haoran asked Tiemu to contact them. All four of them look like this. Tieniu must be better than them. With the special contact information Yin Hao left behind, he didn't get any reply. "No way," he said. "Three, you and I will go to the Western battlefield. Two and four will wait here for seven to come out and try to keep him until we come back." After Huangfu Haoran arranged, he was ready to leave. As a result, Xiang Jing flew out of the passageway of the northern battlefield, decisively sealed the entrance and exit, and then flew to the Western battlefield. "Keep up!" Huangfu Haoran saw that Xiang Jing's speed was faster than he had imagined, so he quickly set out to follow him, and the others followed him. "Lord, look at Lao Qi's left hand!" During the flight, Jin Ming found something and said, and the others looked at Xiang Jing's left hand in front of him. Xiang Jing's left hand was dripping with blood. Half of his sleeves were dyed red, but he continued to fly towards the Western battlefield at full speed. If you often walk by the river, you can't get wet shoes. Xiang Jing is very strong after practicing the secret method, but there is also a limit. If you kill three groups of invaders one by one, you will be injured by them. "Lord of the hall, do you want to stop Lao Qi? He has been injured." Jinming looked at the front of a cold face of the Beijing said. Huangfu Haoran shook his head without thinking and said, "never, seven is acting according to his own consciousness. If we don't kill these invaders, we won't stop. If we stop him now, he will be regarded as the enemy. With the strength of several of us, we are not the opponent of seven now." "What should I do? I can't watch him go to the Western battlefield. He will die." Huangfu Haoran thought about it and said, "later, go inside and find five of them. First, bring them out. Then we will go back to help seven. When his action stops, we will try to help him heal." Just as he said that he had already reached the Western battlefield, the yellow sand was full of dust. Xiang Jing rushed directly into the passage, followed by Huangfu Haoran and others. As soon as I rushed in, I felt a heat wave, yellow sand and dust, and countless monsters and invaders. In the distance, there was a huge roar, obviously someone was fighting. After Xiang Jing came here, he directly opened the end of unparalleled killing, and killed the monsters and invaders below. The super warship hovering in the sky seemed to feel something and started to rise, far away from the battlefield. Naturally, the suppression of all the masters of Qunying hall disappeared. After Huangfu Haoran and others regained their strength, they soon found Tiemu. They joined them and killed a way to send Tiemu out. Huangfu Haoran and others stayed to help Xiangjing kill these monsters and invaders. Although they watched him, if they found something wrong, they immediately went to support him. When all the monsters and invaders on the battlefield are killed, Xiang Jing suddenly rises up and turns into a green light to chase the far away super warship. A direct punch hit the warship body, burst out of unparalleled power, with a strong to crushing force, the warship shot down and crashed. Huangfu Haoran and others who came to see this scene were all surprised. They were able to shoot down such a big warship and crash. After practicing the secret method, how strong was Xiang Jing. After shooting down and crashing, Xiang Jing sweeps the world again, making sure there are no more monsters left, and starts to seal the channel. Huangfu Haoran saw that he began to seal the passage. He left the world and returned to the ancient world. Soon Xiang Jing came back and sealed the exit. At this point, the ancient world has been destroyed by invaders and countless monsters.After the seal, Xiang Jing stood still, like a wooden pile. A gust of wind blew by and he fell to the ground. "Old seven!" Seeing Xiang Jing in the end, several hall owners who still have memories of Qunying hall, who are not far away, quickly come forward and help him up. All kinds of precious herbs are used on him. Huangfu Haoran aura shrouded Xiang Jing's whole body and said, "go back first." In the main hall of Qunying hall, Xiang Jing sits on the ground with his head down, depicting an extremely huge and complex array. The eight hall masters of Qunying hall sit in eight directions, injecting aura into the array. "Lao Ba, is your array useful? Why do you need such a huge aura? " Lu Buhui, the master of the sixth hall, asked sweating. Because of their cultivation, the storage of aura in the eight of them is countless times more than that of the ordinary strong. However, this array is like a bottomless pit. After they replenished the aura once, they still didn't fill it up. "Don't worry," said Yin Hao, who was also sweating. "This cause and effect array can not only control the influence of the secret method in the main body of the seventh hall, but also help us recover our lost memory." The other six Temple owners were silent, but they showed their determination to save Xiang Jing with their actions. With the continuous injection of aura, when all the lines of the array are lit up, a ray of light soars into the sky, instantly wrapping all the nine Temple masters.